Noncommercial Guidance for NYC Pedestrians and Cyclists in Case of Possible Car Crash Injury


All information here was patched together from available sources and from personal interviews. While the site strives for accuracy, it concerns only general principles, not particular circumstances. Thus it is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice.

The sources and content compiled in this Web site are directed exclusively to New York City pedestrians and cyclists. No representations are herein being made about their applicability, utility or effectiveness in other locations.

The information on this site should not be construed as legal or medical advice or as substituting for consulting with qualified professionals. The links and other information contained herein are intended to help direct users to possible sources of help in the event of a traffic-related injury occurring in New York City but are not designed to replace independent research and verification by individual users of the site.

The site disclaims all responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the qualifications of any experts or specialists linked to from the site. Nothing in the site should be construed as an endorsement of or or affiliation with any institution (including any insurance company) or specialist. The site disclaims any and all responsibility for any consequences alleged to arise from use of the site. All filing deadlines and other material requirements imposed by law, as well as information published by any government agency, referred to in this site should be independently verified by users for updates and accuracy.

This site is a work in progress by volunteer labor, representing several months of frustrating, unpaid work for the author. Please respect its copyright by linking to the site rather than copying.

Permission requests may be sent to contact [at] nyccaraccident [dot] net.

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Entire Site Copyright ©2024 Carol A. Wood. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer
This site is not connected to or affiliated with the City of New York or any other government agency. It has NO affiliation with, nor recommendation for, any attorney or site using a similar name or URL.
Site designed by Anna Buzzelli.